Journal Zakonnost i Pravoporyadok

The journal Zakonnost i Pravoporyadok is a legal scientific and practical journal established by the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Belarus and published quarterly since 2007. Registered at the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus, certificate of state registration No. 657, index ISSN 1993-1522. The editorial board of the journal accepts for publication materials of candidates for scientific degrees and ranks from various organisations according to the specialization of the journal. The journal publishes articles of prominent scientists in the field of law and legal practitioners, data connected with the prosecutorial and investigatory work; covers various problems of the state of legality and the law and order, fight against crime and corruption, results of the activity of the prosecution bodies in the field of supervision over the enforcement of the law. The circulation of the journal is 2,000 copies.

Editorial board address: ul.Internatsionalnaya, 22, 220030 Minsk
Tel: +375 17 215-82-23, +375 17 215-80-69, +375 17 215-82-25.